Sunday, 7 June 2015

TinyTap! The old ones and the yougest all engaged

Hello girls!

Laura and Ariadna are writing the entrance this time! Today at class we’ve been discovering some new apps to use on our iPads: TinyTap, Toontastic, amongst others.

We’ve decided to create an activity with the first one; this is Tiny Tap, which is an app that allows you to create and customize different sort of games for kids using your iPad.

In this case we’ve created a simple game to work on vocabulary related to farm animals, find the explanation below ;)

In the screenshot you can see on the left, the students will hear three different questions: 

Where’s the pig?
Where’s the yellow animal? 
Which animals says BAAH? 

Once they will have listened to these questions, they will need to point the correct answer.

The second activity consists of putting all the geometrical shapes in the right place to create an animal (in that case a rooster ;))

Once all these shapes will have been put in the right place; the students will hear a question: 

Which animal can you see? 

As you can see in the following picture they will have different options: Pig, Rooster, Horse and Cow.

This game has been thought to be designed by the old students (4th or 5th grade) for the youngest ones. In this case the ones creating the game are developing their HOTS (Creating) while at the same time they will be working with all the language features as this exercise will imply reading, speaking/producing, listening and writing. On the other hand, the youngest ones are working on LOTS skills such as understanding and identifying, and developing some language features, specially listening. In this way there will be also a cooperative work in which the older students will have to take the responsability to create quality exercices adapted to the youngest ones.

Finally, take into consideration that this activity can be applied in different ways. Taking the essence of making the old students create a game for the youngest pupils in the school; we can also ask them to work on other topics (the school, the street, our town, there’s an infinity of aspects we can work on). The important here is to give them the chance to discover this app, providing the proper basis to start using it of course, but allowing them to work autonomously and in cooperation with their classmates.

Hope you find it interesting!

All our best,


1 comment:

  1. I really like the idea of the older ones designing activities for the little ones. Just to make a contribution I would say that maybe the puzzle (the roster) is too abstract. Nevertheless, this can also be a positive thing since it can open discussion about what it is, and it can spur imagination and creativity.
