Sunday, 23 April 2017


Hi everyone, we are Anna Molina and Edurne Lafuente. We want to share with you our project about Skype.

Enjoy!! :)



A new student has arrived at school, in order to embrace him in the new environment, the teacher will contact with the old school (India) of this student. To make children aware of similarities and differences of people lives living in different countries.

AGE GROUP: 5th grade of primary


-       -   To use in context the comparatives and superlatives.
-       -  To learn new vocabulary from the target language.
-       -  To respect other cultures.


In order students learn some things about the old school (India) of the new boy, they will prepare a little interview about it. They would ask the students from the Indian school, through the Skype, topics like:

-          Weather
-          Cultural monuments
-          Educational system (Routines, Languages that they learn at the school)
-          Traditional food
-          Festivities

The teacher will help the students to formulate all these questions with the proper structure.


This will be completely a speaking activity. First of all, the group class will be divided into groups of 4, each group will have a role (Reporters, Cameras, Writers (Relevant Points), Explainers (They will explain to the Indian school the traditions and educative system they have at Barcelona, using as a support pictures & Videos (Ipad))

Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw  (2011) Same, same but different 


In this activity, students will have to review the interview with the Indian school, recorded by the students, as well as their notes, and they will have to create a display (see Picture 1) comparing the two cities (India and Barcelona). To close the activity the teacher will read a storybook: Same, same but different[1].

Finally, after reading the book, they will have a little debate to be conscious of the differences and similarities of all different cultures around the

[1] Elliot lives in America, and Kailash lives in India. They are pen pals. By exchanging letters and pictures, they learn that they both love to climb trees, have pets, and go to school. Their worlds might look different, but they are actually similar. Same, same. But different!

Friday, 21 April 2017

PC activity!!!

Hello everyone, it’s Paula🙋!!!! I’m posting a great activity intended for 2nd grade of primary about the “water cycle”. I really hope you like it and find it useful... 😀

💩The Water Cycle 💩

·        -This session is intended for students 2nd of primary

·        -The students have learned previously that the "Water Cycle" consists in The Sun heating up the water from oceans, lakes and rivers and water changes into water vapor by the process of evaporation. As the water vapor rises up into the air, it starts cooling down and forms tiny water droplets. 

Thursday, 20 April 2017

5th class TABLETS

Hello everyone,

This session was focused on working with tablets. The scanning of a QR code was the starting point where we discuss about the pros and cons about using new technology in the classroom.
Then we conclude that is difficult to get our students attention and cope with the explanations or some problems our students can find with the devices.
Then Maribel introduce us a project called “El lideratge digital dels alumnes a l’aula”. The aim of this project is to train some students of the class in order to help their classmates with the different tools they can be using during the class. An expert in TIC is going to help the teacher with the classroom management.

Finally we start working with the different apps downloaded in our tablet and by groups we choose one and show to our classmates the different uses and possibilities the app give you.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

4th class. Working on IWB

Hello my classmates,

I would like to share with you some pictures that I have taken of the ICT class, the 4th class session. This class was quite different because we had some time to work on different activities per group about ICT. At the beginning of the class, we divided ourselves into groups and Aoife gave us instructions concerning the group activity. After dividing ourselves into groups, we began to brainstorm different activities about IWB for primary students.

At the end of the class, we were able to share our different ideas with our classmates.

The first group presented their activities related with food. The activities were amazing and useful for our classes at school. The participants of the first group shared with us the objectives about their IWB activities and we were able to see the activities result.

The second group was my group. We presented to the others activities related to the Roman’ civilization. In these we showed to our college activities to review the knowledge studied with students about Roman’ civilization.

Finally, the last group presented to us their wonderful activity. They created a trivia game with different challenges that sought to promote the many diverse interactions between students.

This was a very interesting class because it enabled us to learn from the others classmates. The different activities assisted us in achieving better results on our activities with our students.

Thanks everyone for reading it and Have a nice day!

Roman' Civilization

Hi everyone!

We are Edurne Lafuente, Joan DomĂšnech and Marta Jaumot. We are going to present our activities related to Romanization, using IWB. First of all, we would like to want to share with you our thoughts on using the Smart Notebook application, which we consider to be an easy and useful way to empower teachers as well as to encourage student engagement.  We really hope that you are able to learn while having fun using the following activities!

Wednesday, 5 April 2017


Dear classmates,

We would like to introduce you our activity for the Interactive Whiteboard. It is titled TribEnglish and it consists on an interactive table game that can be played with the whole class. Here it goes!

Anna AlcĂĄzar, Esther Muñoz and Mireia NĂșñez

You can continue the reading or directly check our activity by doing click here