Wednesday, 25 May 2016


Creation of a game with Kahoot

Name:Laura Carrillo and Elena Joaquin
Level: 3rd grade, 20 students working in pairs with tablets.
Curriculum: CLIL
Topic: Food and going to the restaurant
Skills: Reading and vocabulary
Classroom management: Two kids in charge of going around and helping the others to go into kahoot (experts).
Type of activity: Task based activity, learn by doing
Material: PDI and Ipads.

We have created a vocabulary game with kahoot. Kahoot is a useful tool to create games by yourself or as a resource to look for them. Once you create a game, kahoot provides you with a code which kids will have to introduce and they will have access to the game.

To create a game in kahoot is very easy. You need to register and you can start!

This is the result of our game. You can always edit things and add songs whilst playing! It is very engaging and motivating for the kids. As you can see, you can also manage the time you want the kids to answer the questions, the number of options to answer and you can display the answers while doing or editing the game:

The vocabulary presented in the game has been previously worked in class in order to do a roleplay of a restaurant at the end of the project. The game is accompanied with pictures so that it helps to identify and relate contents. It is related to a the restaurant context where kids need to decide which option is the correct one between four different ones.

According to Bloom’s taxonomy this activity requires remembering and applying so that afterwards they can produce the language in a real situation (roleplay). This activity is going from LOTS to HOTS because it is a simple game of vocabulary but it becomes more difficult because kids need to learn not only the vocabulary but also the structures that will be presented in the following session (scaffolding).

The activity will be held with tablets and it will be shown on the interactive whiteboard so that everybody can follow. The questions are going to the displayed on the PDI and the kids will mark their answer on the ipad. It will be done in pairs for the first time so that they get familiar to kahoot and next sessions we will carry out an individual assesment with a different game but the same content. 

The teacher, though, will know the results of the pairs because kahoot shows inmediately the marking so it is a quick way to assess your students in a motivating and fun way.

It is useful to have two kids helping when starting the activity. They will show the others the steps to go into kahoot, otherwise it becomes messy. Also make sure all the Ipads have battery and they work properly so that you can avoid any surprise or problem.

Hope it is useful and you can apply it in your classrooms! ;) 

1 comment:

  1. Laura and Elena, I think Kahoot is one of the best programs to assess kids and help them review content in a motivational way. I tried once with a classroom and children were so engaged and existed! I think the idea of having some kids helping others to get Kahoot ready is excellent because sometimes can be difficult for them to associate the shape with the colour and know exactly where to press.

    God jobb!! :)
