Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Session 4

Hi everybody!
We are Elena Joaquin and Laura Carrillo. We are going to talk about session 4 that we did with Yolanda. The session was divided in 2 parts. The first part, we have been showing our presentations about padlet and popplet,ESL Flashcards, Quizlet, Flashcard machine, study blue and mindomo. 

The first presentation was about Padlet and popplet done by Miriam, Anna and Àngels:

The following was about animal's flashcards done by Tania, Laia and Pepelu:

And the last presentation was about mindomo done by Amaranta, Ferran and Marta:


All of them are used with computers so that it is accessible to everyone. They are all very useful as well and we, as a teacher, should use them in our lessons. Language learning is better and faster than ever before. We know much more about how students are learning -with digital technology we are unleashing the creativity of teachers and students to allow them to make progress faster. (Christopher McCormick)

The second part was more theorical where we learnt a lot about dozens of programmes that we can use.
The Hot Potatoes was one of them. It is a freeware programe (http://hotpot.uvic.ca), which we can create interactive exercises for the Web that work with any
modern web explorer (Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Firefox, etc.). There are exercises with multiple-choice options,open short-answers, jumbled-sentences,crossword exercises , matching elements or parts of sentences,ordering items and gap-fill exercises. After create them, we can post exercises on web sites, Moodles, blog or work locally. How can we post them? The first thing that you need to know is that it’s not necessary to know anything about .html language, JavaScript, etc. In case that we want them post on a blog, moddle, etc., we just have to copy the “embed code”.

In this second theorical part, Yolanda gave us information where we can create games. One of her first advice was to check out already existing games on sites such as the following web page :  http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/kids-games or sites, which gave you some tips and advice in the following link.http://larryferlazzo.edublogs.org/2008/04/21/the-best-websites-for-creating-online-learning-games/

We also we would like to share with you some ppt that Yolanda has done related to resources. They all are very useful and quite easy to work on. You can see it, just clicking here.

Hope it is useful!


  1. Hi! Why don't you try to embed the presentations into the blog? That would look really cool! There is a tutorial in the IWB session folder, a document called "Blogger notes". Contact me if you need help or contact our "digital co-pilots".

  2. It's great you added everyone's work so we can all learn from their work, thanks. Make sure all the links work. This one doesn't https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Eir67fB_vE2aCEf_Yen95d6AR7-t-lTpVwMrwDCOPvI/edit#slide=id.g101dc88313_0_86
