Sunday 28 May 2017


Hi there! It’s Anna Molina again. Today I would like to talk about an amazing site, It might ring a bell 😉. The name of this site is Story Jumper.
This site is a nice tool to use as a support in our lessons. I would like to present you an example:

 2nd  grade of Primary
Students have been working on the topic in previous sessions, for that reason they identify and understand the key vocabulary.

  •          To work cooperatively
  •          To develop creativity.
  •      To identify and include in the project the main                   information regarding mammals
  •            To enjoy the activity

  •         To create short sentences
  •          To use meaningful the key vocabulary

  •        Linguistic and audiovisual communicative      competence.
  •        Connect ideas and skills in real-life situations.
  •        Collaborative pair and small group’s promotion

PRE-TASK: Before students start working on the project they will review the vocabulary through a memory game (they will play in small groups 4-5 children per group. After that the teacher will introduce the site Story Jumper, and will make a brave explanation of how does it work.
TASK: This activity will be a cross-age activity, in which students from 6th grade will come to the class to help 2nd graders to create their own book of mammals. The group class will be divided in group of five children in which 2 members of the group will be 6th graders. (The role of the oldest is to be a support for instance, if students have troubles to create a sentence, or if they are able to find the proper word to include in the text, they can also contribute with new ideas).
Each group will receive the same instructions to create their book:

-You have to include at least one mammal in your story.
-You have as maximum an extension of 10 pages.
- All the text or audios must be accompanied by pictures.
- Enjoy while doing the activity.

From here on, student will work in groups preparing their books.

POST-TASK & ASSESMENT: In the last activity each group will present their book to the class.
The assessment will be divided into two parts one done by the teacher and the other done by the children theme selves and by their classmates.
  •  Teacher: After watching each book the teacher will open a little debate to see if they understood the story, the core teacher will have to fill an observation grid, to evaluate if students have reach the main aims of the session.
  • Students: Each student will receive a grid with two columns one with a happy face and the other with a sad face (weaknesses). They will first fill it regarding to their own presentation, and after that they will receive another one to evaluate their classmates book.

Fast finishers will have time to have a look to the different books that are already created in the site.
In the activity students will perform group activities as well as individual activities, they will have to use different skills to succeed in the activity
A computer or Ipad per group, WFI & a smart board

 Hope you like it!😊

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